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general contractor 




Caroll Construction

Eric Rorer


multi level patio with stucco and ipe clad walls, built in hot tub, firepit and BBQ counter

castro urban jewel (SF)

Construction on this two unit, three level remodel was already well underway when the owners, concerned about the  slow progress and quality of the work, reached out to us.  After a careful review of the plans, permits and partially completed construction, we put together  a new project  team, filed the required permit revisions and developed a comprehensive palette of materials, fixtures and finishes.   The completed project is a little urban paradise that makes the most out of each  square foot of floor area.  A deep entry closet converts into an exercise space room with treadmill and the multi level backyard boasts an eight person hot tub.  The  lower level studio unit provides an opportunity for income or space and privacy for guests.

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